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Is Moss Bad For Your Roof?

There's much to debate when it comes to discussing the pros and cons of letting moss grow freely on your roof. Some underestimate the impact of moss growth on their homes, while others worry it'll cause irreparable damage. While it's widely speculated, we're here to debunk any myths around roof moss, once and for all

When moss spreads, it can envelop the surface and create a somewhat rustic look for cottages or cabins, which is why some people choose to let moss grow on their roofs. However, the consequences of allowing moss to grow wild are often not worth it.

If you’re still thinking, “Should I remove moss from my roof?” Consider this...

Your home may be more at risk of moss germination if you live in a damp and humid climate, like Georgian Bay or if your home is situated under trees. All it takes is for one spore to land and inhabit your roof for it to develop into moss and spread like wildfire. When it does, it can come with a slew of issues for your home.


When moss grows abundantly, it becomes a heavy blanket on top of your roof that retains water and moisture and leads to rot, bacteria, and mold growth. While not a notable concern for your health, this growth can shorten your roof's lifespan significantly. Roof mold also is an invitation to rodents and critters who feed off the mold and roofing materials.


Moss can also creep underneath your shingles, tiles, and slates, uprooting them from your roof and causing immense damage. This uprooting can lead to holes, leakage, and your roof's structural degeneration. Even worse, when you do remove the moss from your roof, tiles will then fall back awkwardly after losing the moss structure that once held it up.

How to treat moss

Online you can find many suggestions on how to treat moss on your own. While it may sound easy, some of these suggestions are ill-advised and are merely temporary solutions that can lead to a bigger problem.

Despite what those articles say, NEVER use a pressure washer on your roof! Pressure washing is a surefire way to damage your roof’s tiles and shingles. As well, it’s costly and only removes the surface layer of moss, leaving behind spores that will ultimately grow back.

Other recommendations include hand-scraping moss off your roof, yet hand-scraping is only a preliminary method in the many steps involved in removing moss. Similar to the pressure washer, hand-scraping will only remove the visible layer of moss and fails to get rid of spores and clusters that can spread and stimulate regrowth.

How to prevent moss from growing on your roof

Prevention is always the best weapon, but unfortunately, hindsight is 20/20. If the moss on your roof has already grown into a small lawn, these tips are still helpful in ensuring you prevent any regrowth.

  • If there are trees that overlook your house, consider trimming the branches that hover over your roof to prevent moss from growing.

  • Make sure you do routine roof cleaning. To maintain your overall roof health, clean your roof 1-2 times a year. It will ensure your roof is clear of debris leaves and sticks.

  • Clean your gutters. Debris can clog your gutters and begin to mold. This moist environment can further speed up the development of moss as well.

So, is moss bad for your roof?

Yes. 100% all moss, even if it's a small patch or the width of a lawn, it can create irreparable damage to your roof if left untreated. This type of destruction can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in roof replacement.

Before you hit the point of no return, consider a Roof Soft Wash by Bayside Clean

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